GLYSANTIN FC G20 ELECTRIFIED (aktuell Lagerware 120 Liter)

Old designation Glysantin FC G 20-00/50 Ready Mix 

New conditions

Price scale

1 drum

From 3 drums

From 5 drums

Delivery time is currently again approx. ca 15 working days.

Available in 5 kg, 120 litres or IBC 1000 litres

Due to constantly changing prices, please ask for our current daily price. Fast delivery from stock.

The transport costs within Germany are 120,00 € per pallet.

In case of an emergency, we usually have 0 barrel in stock, so just ask.

Available in 5 kg, 120 litres or IBC 1000 litres

Our fuel cell coolant is a ready-to-use, inhibited coolant based on ethylene glycol/water with very low electrical conductivity. It is specially designed for use in fuel cells, such as PEMFC. The product offers reliable frost protection up to
-36°C and good heat dissipation. Metals currently in the design of PEMFC cooling systems are well protected against corrosion.
PEMFC = Proton Exchange Membrane = Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

We will be happy to provide you with the product data sheet on request.

Available in 120 litres or IBC 1000 litres 


Das Brennstoffzellen Kühlmittel, ist ein gebrauchsfertiges, inhibiertes Kühlmittel auf der Basis von Ethylenglykol/Wasser mit sehr geringer elektrischer Leitfähigkeit. Es ist speziell für den Einsatz in Brennstoffzellen, wie z.B. PEMFC, konzipiert.
Das Produkt bietet einen sicheren Frostschutz bis zu -36°C und gute Wärmeableitung. Metalle, die derzeit in der Konstruktion von PEMFC-Kühlsystemen sind, sind gut geschützt gegen Korrosion.
PEMFC = Proton Exchange Membrane = Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

HS Code: 38200000

Materialverträglichkeit / -unverträglichkeit von Glysantin FC G20 ELECTRIFIED
Unser Angebot an unsere Bestandskunden
GLYSANTIN FC G 20-00/50 im 120 Litergebinde, unser Vorschlag.
1 x 120 Litergebinde Leider nur noch auf Anfrage bei Neukunden. (Lieferzeit aktuell ca. 3-5 Werktage, 
Transport 100 € 
Unsere Bestandskunden kennen die Konditionen von unserem Vorschlag.

Zur allgemeinen Information, gibt es bei einigen BASF-Produkten aktuell nur eine Auftragseingangsbestätigung und erst wenn die Lieferzeit bestätigt wird, erhalten wir eine Auftragsbestätigung.
For general information, for some BASF products there is currently only an order receipt confirmation and only when the delivery time is confirmed do we receive an order confirmation.
Available in 5 kg, 120 litres or IBC 1000 litres

Our fuel cell coolant is a ready-to-use, inhibited coolant based on ethylene glycol/water with very low electrical conductivity. It is specially designed for use in fuel cells, such as PEMFC. The product offers reliable frost protection up to
-36°C and good heat dissipation. Metals currently in the design of PEMFC cooling systems are well protected against corrosion.
PEMFC = Proton Exchange Membrane = Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

We will be happy to provide you with the product data sheet on request.

Available in 120 litres or IBC 1000 litres 


Das Brennstoffzellen Kühlmittel, ist ein gebrauchsfertiges, inhibiertes Kühlmittel auf der Basis von Ethylenglykol/Wasser mit sehr geringer elektrischer Leitfähigkeit. Es ist speziell für den Einsatz in Brennstoffzellen, wie z.B. PEMFC, konzipiert.
Das Produkt bietet einen sicheren Frostschutz bis zu -36°C und gute Wärmeableitung. Metalle, die derzeit in der Konstruktion von PEMFC-Kühlsystemen sind, sind gut geschützt gegen Korrosion.
PEMFC = Proton Exchange Membrane = Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

HS Code: 38200000

Materialverträglichkeit / -unverträglichkeit von Glysantin FC G20 ELECTRIFIED
Unser Angebot an unsere Bestandskunden
GLYSANTIN FC G 20-00/50 im 120 Litergebinde, unser Vorschlag.
1 x 120 Litergebinde Leider nur noch auf Anfrage bei Neukunden. (Lieferzeit aktuell ca. 3-5 Werktage, 
Transport 100 € 
Unsere Bestandskunden kennen die Konditionen von unserem Vorschlag.

Zur allgemeinen Information, gibt es bei einigen BASF-Produkten aktuell nur eine Auftragseingangsbestätigung und erst wenn die Lieferzeit bestätigt wird, erhalten wir eine Auftragsbestätigung.
For general information, for some BASF products there is currently only an order receipt confirmation and only when the delivery time is confirmed do we receive an order confirmation.
Fuel Cells Coolant Supplier. 
Our fuel cell coolant is a ready-to-use, inhibited coolant based on ethylene glycol/water with very low electrical conductivity. It is specially designed for use in fuel cells, such as PEMFC. The product offers reliable frost protection up to
-36°C and good heat dissipation. Metals currently in the design of PEMFC cooling systems are well protected against corrosion.
PEMFC = Proton Exchange Membrane = Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell

We will be happy to provide you with the product data sheet on request.

Available in 120 litres or IBC 1000 litres 

FC G20 Ready Mix colorless is available and can be ordered with a minimum lead time of 10-14 working days

1 x 120 Litergebinde nur noch auf Anfrage . (Lieferzeit aktuell ca. 3-5 Werktage, Kontingentiert) Transport 100 €

Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
Fournisseur de liquides de refroidissement pour piles à combustible
Notre liquide de refroidissement pour pile à combustible est un liquide de refroidissement inhibé prêt à l'emploi à base d'éthylène glycol/eau avec une très faible conductivité électrique. Il est spécialement conçu pour être utilisé dans les piles à combustible, telles que la PEMFC. Le produit offre une protection fiable contre le gel jusqu'à
-36°C et une bonne dissipation de la chaleur. Les métaux actuellement utilisés dans la conception des systèmes de refroidissement PEMFC sont bien protégés contre la corrosion.
PEMFC = membrane échangeuse de protons = membrane électrolytique polymère Pile à combustible

Sur demande, nous vous fournirons volontiers la fiche technique du produit.

Disponible en 120 litres ou en IBC 1000 litres 

Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
Proveedor de refrigerantes para pilas de combustible
Nuestro refrigerante de la célula de combustible es un refrigerante inhibido listo para usar, basado en etilenglicol/agua con una conductividad eléctrica muy baja. Está especialmente diseñado para su uso en pilas de combustible, como las PEMFC. El producto ofrece una protección fiable contra las heladas de hasta
-36°C y buena disipación de calor. Los metales que actualmente están en el diseño de los sistemas de refrigeración de las PEMFC están bien protegidos contra la corrosión.
PEMFC = Membrana de Intercambio de Protones = Pila de Combustible de Membrana de Electrolito Polimérico

Estaremos encantados de proporcionarle la hoja de datos del producto si la solicita.

Disponible en 120 litros o IBC 1000 litros 

Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
Fornitore di refrigerante per celle a combustibile
Il nostro refrigerante per celle a combustibile è un refrigerante pronto all'uso, inibito, a base di glicol etilenglicolo/acqua a bassissima conducibilità elettrica. È stato appositamente progettato per l'uso nelle celle a combustibile, come il PEMFC. Il prodotto offre una protezione antigelo affidabile fino a
-36°C e buona dissipazione del calore. I metalli attualmente in progettazione dei sistemi di raffreddamento PEMFC sono ben protetti dalla corrosione.
PEMFC = Membrana a scambio di protoni = Elettrolita polimerica a membrana a celle a combustibile

Saremo lieti di fornirvi la scheda tecnica del prodotto su richiesta.

Disponibile in 120 litri o IBC 1000 litri 

Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
PEMFC = 质子交换膜 = 聚合物电解质膜 燃料电池


有120升或IBC 1000升两种规格可供选择。

Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
ईंधन सेल शीतलक आपूर्तिकर्ता
हमारे ईंधन सेल शीतलक बहुत कम विद्युत चालकता के साथ एथिलीन ग्लाइकॉल / पानी पर आधारित एक तैयार-से-उपयोग, अवरोधक शीतलक है। यह विशेष रूप से ईंधन कोशिकाओं में उपयोग के लिए डिज़ाइन किया गया है, जैसे PEMFC। उत्पाद विश्वसनीय ठंढ सुरक्षा प्रदान करता है
-36 डिग्री सेल्सियस और अच्छा गर्मी लंपटता। PEMFC शीतलन प्रणाली के डिजाइन में वर्तमान में धातुएं जंग के खिलाफ अच्छी तरह से संरक्षित हैं।
PEMFC = प्रोटॉन एक्सचेंज मेम्ब्रेन = पॉलिमर इलेक्ट्रोलाइट मेम्ब्रेन फ्यूल सेल

हम आपको अनुरोध पर उत्पाद डेटा पत्रक प्रदान करने में प्रसन्न होंगे।

120 लीटर या IBC 1000 लीटर में उपलब्ध है
Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
연료 전지 냉각수 공급 업체
당사의 연료 전지 냉각수는 전기 전도도가 매우 낮은 에틸렌 글리콜 / 물을 기반으로하는 즉시 사용 가능한 억제 냉각수입니다. PEMFC와 같은 연료 전지에 사용하도록 특별히 설계되었습니다. 이 제품은 최대
-36 ° C 및 우수한 열 분산. 현재 PEMFC 냉각 시스템 설계에 사용되는 금속은 부식으로부터 잘 보호됩니다.
PEMFC = 양성자 교환막 = 고분자 전해질 막 연료 전지

요청시 제품 데이터 시트를 기꺼이 제공해 드리겠습니다.

120 리터 또는 IBC 1000 리터로 제공

Liquid shipment by air we carry out through the forwarding company Gebrüder Weiss, in Austria.
For this we have one-time freight costs, which we request depending on the quantity.
Aktuelle Transportkonditionen, Weitere Informationen unter dem Link Versandkostenrechner / Transport Cost Calkulator:

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